Weekly Shabbat Services
Please call 310-280-6598
Please also call if you would like to set up a one one learning with the Rabbi on any Topic in Torah. Jewish Law, History, Text, Philosophy, Ethics or Chassidus.
Chabad North of Montana invites you to attend our weekly Shabbat Shul services.
Shabbat (Saturday) Mornings
9:00AM Class
9:30 AM Services
10:30 Torah Discussion
Followed by Kiddush 12:00
At our home BH 753 22nd Street
* Warm, Welcoming environment
* Uplifting & Relevant Chassidic Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion
* Hebrew/English service.
* Children's Service- call for details
For more information, contact Rabbi Chaim Teleshevsky @ 310.280.6598; [email protected]